المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طفل عراقي يجد معادلة لتبسيط أرقام برنولي

Planetary Nebula
05-30-2009, 11:07 AM
طفل عراقي عمره 16 سنة يجد معادلة لتبسيط أرقام برنولي و شرحها
عقبال عيالنا !!! بعد تغيير المناهج!

STOCKHOLM (AFP) – A 16-year-old Iraqi immigrant living in Sweden has cracked a maths puzzle that has stumped experts for more than 300 years, Swedish media reported on Thursday.

In just four months, Mohamed Altoumaimi has found a formula to explain and simplify the so-called Bernoulli numbers, a sequence of calculations named after the 17th century Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli, the Dagens Nyheter daily said.

Altoumaimi, who came to Sweden six years ago, said teachers at his high school in Falun, central Sweden were not convinced about his work at first.

"When I first showed it to my teachers, none of them thought the formula I had written down really worked," Altoumaimi told the Falu Kuriren newspaper.

He then got in touch with professors at Uppsala University, one of Sweden's top institutions, to ask them to check his work.

After going through his notebooks, the professors found his work was indeed correct and offered him a place in Uppsala.

But for now, Altoumaimi is focusing on his school studies and plans to take summer classes in advanced mathematics and physics this year.

"I wanted to be a researcher in physics or mathematics; I really like those subjects. But I have to improve in English and social sciences," he told the Falu Kuriren.

رياض البطشان
07-08-2009, 08:39 PM
جدا جميلة

وهذا هو التفكير الصحيح

09-07-2009, 04:08 PM
.. Planetary Nebula ..
أشكرك على هكذا إيماءَة ووَمضَة تُعزّز الثقة وتُحيي الأمل بأنّ العقول
ما زالَت تَعمَل ، وتبقى الإرادة هي المِحك .

صالح الحديثي
02-16-2010, 09:42 AM
آآآآآآمين يارب العالمين.